Free Member Training Testimony for Tami Chandler aka Sassy Nurse by Dan Mahoney

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Ultimate Super Anti-Oxidant with Resveratrol & Açaí

OPC contains real antioxidant protection based upon 50 years of research by Dr. Jack Masquelier and Berkem Laboratories in Southern France. The main ingredient, OPCs, extracted from grape seeds and pine bark, provides superior antioxidant protection that is 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C. And, Proanthenols helps all other antioxidants (including vitamins C and E) work better! OPCs protect your cells against free radical attack and support the collagen structure of all the organs in your body.

Vital Xpression
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ... OPC's ... a product commonly derived from one or more of a combination of grape seed extract, red wine extract and/or pine bark extract. OPC's are very powerful bioflavonoids used as a natural food supplement. Often referred to as Pycnogenols®... the name given to these supplements by Jacques Masquelier, a University of Bordeaux, France professor and scientist... and trademarked by Horphag Overseas Limited of Geneva, Switzerland. OPC's have been shown to have powerful "free-radical" scavenging activity. They are non-toxic, bioavailable, water soluble bioflavanoids.

OPC is probably the most versatile nutrient ever discovered. It is the most active free radical scavenging antioxidant known. It helps protects against all sorts of degenerative conditions. It has especially been researched for circulatory problems. Research pointed out that OPC is what makes the "French Paradox" work. With the "French Paradox" scientists indicate that they wonder why the French have a much lower cardiovascular mortality than e.g. Americans. The answer to the paradox was found in the consumption of red wine, especially in the consumption of one substance in the red wine: OPC. One of the greatest values of OPC is its ability to preserve and protect collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are important structural constituents of the vascular wall, skin and connective tissues including ligaments, tendons and others. Collagen and elastin contribute to the elasticity of all these tissues.

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