From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sugar addiction is the term for the relationship between sugar and the various aspects of food addiction including: bingeing, withdrawal, craving and cross-sensitization. Some scientists assert that consumption of sweets or sugar could have an heroin addiction like effect.
Remember–Sugar cravings are not natural. Refined sugar is not a natural food. Chronic disease caused by elevated blood sugar is not natural and in most cases can be reversed. You can do this! You are stronger than sugar!
Sugar addiction — is it keeping you overweight, unhealthy, and fatigued? Do you feel imprisoned by your cravings for soda, cookies, ice cream, candy, chocolate, or other refined sugary or starchy carbs? It’s time to stop dieting. Recover from sugar addiction, while eating an abundance of delicious, healthy unprocessed food, and you’ll find the path to glowing good health and permanent weight loss, without hunger, sweating or struggle.
Mystique LifeStyle Patch can help you with this addiction. LEARN MORE
The Mystique Lifestyle Patch helps you increase your energy, control your appetite and maintain a sense of well-being and the will-power to live a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.
The Mystique Lifestyle Patch has been over a decade in development and and backed by literally centuries of data and experience in natural medicine.
The result is a patch containing a unique, synergistic formulation of some of nature's best ingredients for creating energy, boosting metabolism, burning fat, and preserving lean body mass - all of which can lead to a healthier body composition - and a healthier lifestyle.
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